As a lot of filmmakers, editors and content creators say, music is the half of any audiovisual piece. This means, that if music the fails, everything does too!
Music plays a crucial role in any video, film, advertisement, etc. Because music is not only meant to follow a video, it’s also an statement as well. It can create new narratives, feelings and ideas that cannot be said by words. Also, it’s a vital resource to get the audience’s attention and a potent vehicle to communicate any message.
Nevertheless, music requires a whole world of techniques to domain its whole potential. Also, it should also not cloud the video. So it must be used with the correct nuances.
This time, Audiolander brings you this guide to choose the perfect song for your video. Also, we’ll show you some references to inspire you.
Let’s get started!
1.- What’s the goal of your Video?
As you know, every scene has its own message that you must communicate. So, your primary message should determinate the execution and the elements present in the scene.
For instance, if you are creating a product activation commercial, its goal should be to be captivating and easy to understand. Thus, you should be able to communicate its atributtes in no more than 5 seconds through a great hook.
So you’ll probably need a catchy song with a short intro and a powerful climax.
In this case, we recommend music from our Cinematic genres like: Action, Adventure, Chase, Epic, Spaguetti Western, between others.
On the other hand, if you need to stir your audience with a progressive visual structure, your song should be as well. Thus, you’ll be able to communicate the message using the right emotional style.
So, you’ll probably need a song with a long intro and an emotional climax.
In this case, we recommend music from our Cinematic genres like: Build, Documentary, Drama, Mystery, Nostalgia, between others.
2.- Which is the tone of your video?
There are different music moods that fits better with certain narration styles.
For instance, if you want to approach to your audience in a formal way, you should look for a song that reflects that type of speech. A great guide for this, is the use of archetypes.
For more information, we recommend you this Audiolander’s article related to the use of Archetypes to choose identify the right narration tone to choose your song.
You can find it here.
3.- Enhance the important moments:
Every visual piece, has its introduction, core and climax. Songs has them too!
So, everytime you musicalize any piece, have in mind the narration structure. This, will allow you to perfectly match music and video and enhance the important moments to communicate your message effectively.
You can easily identify a song’s structure through its wave view. Usually, peaks are the song’s climax and valleys their introduction. Like this:

Thus, it will be easier to match music and video and enhance important parts.
4.- Create contrast between image and music:
Sometimes, the most obvious is not the answer!
Contrast is a very powerful resource that allows you to enhance your message through the opposition of elements. This technique is largely used in advertising and filmmaking.
The best example of music and video opposition ever made, is the Godfather’s III final scene.
In the most dramatic and catartic scene of the saga, Coppola decides to use a calm and mellow classic song. This created one of the most iconic scenes in the cinema’s history. Just watch this masterpiece, no further explanation is needed:
5.- Use music creatively!
As we always say, we encourage you to experiment and create unique and awesome methods never seen.
Filmmaking is part of an intuitive discipline that requires to constantly test new ways of creation to create master pieces. So we encourage you to keep playing with different techniques to find your own personal touch as a filmmaker.
But there are things that never change, like our music’s quality.
So, whenever you need a song for your video, you’ll always find that perfect song here, in Audiolander.
We’re Audiolander, your new copyright free music bank. Our work is to keep you inspired, so we are commited to have the best music in the market. Also, we offer you the easiest licensing process in the industry.