At Audiolander, we’re aware of how difficult it can be to speak the marketing language. Specially with your corporate client of the advertising world.
So, we bring you this article related to brand archetypes. Thus, you’ll choose music much faster and in a more efficient way to convince your client. Therefore, what are the brand archetypes?
They are universally recognizable characters types or roles that a brand can embody. There are 12:
1.- The Outlaw: He’s a rule breaker. He’s a renegade, an iconoclast, and a free spirit.
2.- The Magician: Makes your desires come true by creating something unique. Visionary, charismatic, and imaginative.
3.- The Hero: Attempts to make the world a better place. Brave, self-assured, and honorable.
4.- The Lover: Inspires love and creates connection. Passionate, sensual, and personal.
5.- The Jester: Seeks to make the world a warmer and a happier place. Laughter, good sense of humor, and a light-hearted attitude.
6.- The Everyman: Seeks to belong or connect with people. Because he’s normal, supportive and faithful.
7.- The Caregiver: seeks to look after and defend others. Maternal, nurturing, and generous.
8.- The Ruler: Create order out of chaos by controlling it. He’s a manager, a leader, and an administrator.
9.- The Creator: Make something that has meaning and will last. Because he is an entrepreneur, creative, and inventive.
10.- The Innocent: His goal is to be happy. Strives to be good, pure, young and optimistic.
11.- The Sage: Helps the humanity in gaining knowledge and wisdom. He’s well-informed, wise, and reliable source of information.
12.- The Explorer: new experiences provide fulfillment. He’s a restless, daring, and ambitious.
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