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Music for Videogames (The Best of)

Through the last 30 years, music in videogames has been taking importance progressively. This new form of creation, have developed an enormous complexity.

And, despite being misrecognized, videogame production is an increasingly sophisticated art.

This time, Audiolander brings you our selection of the best music for videogames. And 3 examples that show the importance of it.

Videogames can make you feel things that any other art can. Also, it’s capable of tell any message in a very effective way. Because, it puts you in the protagonist shoes and you can even feel what he feel. Also, today’s experience demands a great level of immersiveness to enjoy that experience.

In this manner, every element that composes each piece takes more importance. Nowadays, is barely impossible to fall in love with a game that doesn’t have an inspiring story. Also, its aesthetic plays such a crucial role that defines your game’s immersiveness.

An essencial element to achieve this, is music in videogames.

A beatiful example of this is Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Skyrim – Tavern Ambience

For all of us who are fans of Skyrim, its inexplicable feel of immersion makes it a master piece. It’s remarkable that every inch of Skyrim’s world was carefully created to make you feel part of it. Every ambience, dialogue and music creates a whole world that you can interact with. And you can feel that unique touch in every minute of the game.

Another example of this is one of the most important videogames in history. Grand Theft Auto.

Grand Theft Auto – Best Songs

This fine curation of music was one of the best hits of this saga. Thus, everytime that you play one of this games, the music makes an unforgettable and unique experience. Even though this music wasn’t made for this game, but works perfectly!

Another videogame example that uses music as an unique seal, is the Doom saga.

Doom 2 (1994) Soundtrack

If you ever played this game, you know what we’re talking about. If you not, we recommend you to hear Doom’s 2 (1994) Soundtrack and compare it with Doom’s (2021) Soundtrack. Have a listen:

Doom (2021) – Sountrack

If you listen closely, the 2020 game’s music has the same aesthetic purpose than the game made back in 1994. Imagine that that Heavy Metal and Industrial Metal sound have accompained this game for more than 25 years! So, nowadays, is impossible to thing about a Doom game without that type of music.

Anyways, music plays a fundamental role in every videogame’s experience and its brand. So, if you’re a videogame creator, editor or even a videogame enjoyer like us, keep an eye on it!

Music is one of the most powerful tools to communicate, create ambience and accompany a videogame experience. So, whenever you want to live a deep experience like videogaming, you’ll need the music that fits best with what you want to say.

Nevertheless, to use someone’s music in your videogame, you’ll need something called Synchronization License.

These licenses are basically the right to use a song given by the author of that piece. Only then, you’ll be able to use that music without risking legal problems due copyright laws infraction.

In our case, Audiolander offers you the best royalty free music in the market. Also, unlike the industry standard, our Synchronization Licenses come with no fine prints and with a perpetual duration. So, instead of wasting days and a lot of extra money in tricky contracts we are commited to make it simple.

More info here.

Thus, you won’t lose your inspiration. After all, that’s our work, to keep you inspired.

To find high quality music for videogames, visit Audiolander.

Audiolander, inspiring artists (like you).