Audiolander brings you this song perfect for TV shows, TV Advertising, marketing campaign and more.

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As you know, choosing cool music for Talk shows, realities and any other show is never easy. Finding the right song in any other music bank can cost you hours and even days. So, we’ve decided to make a fine selection of our best tracks to keep you inspired.

Bobby Cole, Audiolander’s artist from UK, shows his fine touch through this song.

In this track, “West Coast Girls”, you can feel the touch of Cole. Through a groove of this caliber, this song gives you the energy and confidence that any TV show or TV Ad needs. On the other hand, those House Music sounds make you feel the expectation to encourage any intro or outro. We can identify influences that reminds us TV shows intros like The Oprah Winfrey Show, and even any Diva or Fashion Show. Besides that, we can hear influences of composers linked to Electronic Dance Music pieces. This gives you the possibility to enhance the visual effect of your scene and have that solid cool and energetic seal through this song.

The musical quality of this track, as the mastering process, is carefully curated by Audiolander.

As a High Quality royalty free music bank, we are committed to have a severe selection processes. So, anytime you listen one of our tracks, you will hear the best quality in the market.

Like thousands of other musical tracks, you can buy this royalty free song here

We’re your new music bank focused in having the easiest licensing process, with no fine print. Also, we offer a powerful search engine to find your favorite sync music, right away.

Find the best licensed music for your perfect soundtrack. Royalty free music perfect for your marketing campaign, youtube, corporate music, TV Advertising, film, TV, and more.

Audiolander, inspiring artists.

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